Acceleration Trail Tech Incubator

COMING SOON: The Acceleration Trail, a tech incubator based in the mountains of Western Maryland, helps technology-driven start-ups develop, accelerate and launch their companies.


The Acceleration Trail Offers

We provide the following benefits:

  • Free Temporary Office Rentals

  • Tax Credits and Financial Incentives

  • Help in the Planning Stage, Launch Phase and Realization of a Company’s Potential

  • Access to a Network of Experienced Industry Professionals

  • Access to Technology Experts and Academic Centers

  • Access to an Educated, Diverse Talent Pool

  • Strong Foundational Support on a Variety of New Business Issues

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Startups Wanted

Fast Track Your Business

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We Provide the Right Expertise and Support

High tech start-ups can take advantage of a direct pipeline to Frostburg State University’s robust computer science and digital design degree programs. And an affiliation with the Western Maryland Consortium provides financial assistance and free labor for technology-based firms.


Accelerate Your Lifestyle, Your Health and Well-Being.

Our prime location in the beautiful Allegheny Mountains provides benefits that can improve your physical and mental wellness. Recent studies have shown that living in green spaces, such as forests and mountains is linked to better cardiovascular health and lower rates of mortality. Forests, woods and mountains support physical activity, such as hiking, cycling and paddling and provide opportunities for social interaction and places to relax and unwind. Along with greater affordability, historic walkable downtowns and thriving arts districts, Allegany County could just be the perfect place to jumpstart your dream.

On the Acceleration Trail

Dream In High Gear

Contact: Adam Strott | 301-876-9510